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serial construction中文是什么意思

用"serial construction"造句"serial construction"怎么读"serial construction" in a sentence


  • 连续施工


  • Study on conjunctions in serial constructions in ancient chinese
  • This paper argues that we should have a correct understanding of the significance of the implementing of the sports fitness project for peasants , bring into play to the largest extent the demonstration effect of the experimental work of the project , have a good plan and construction of it and put more efforts into its supporting serial constructions
  • At last , these functions are used to advance sha - 1 , and a new hash function called csha is proposed . unit 4 : at present , cryptography hash algorithm for applications such as digital fingerprinting of messages , message authentication , and key derivation is commonly iterative processed which hash inputs of arbitrary length by processing successive fixed - size blocks of the input . the iterative process is commonly serial construction
    在系统分析了杂凑函数机制后,我们利用j . seberry等人提出的方法,构造出了同时满足平衡性、高度非线性及严格雪崩特性的并且容易实现的杂凑轮函数,并利用这些杂凑轮函数,在原sha - 1杂凑函数的基础上,设计出了新的杂凑算法csha 。
用"serial construction"造句  


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